CyberLink Product Order Form

Fax Your Order Today!

Step 1: Fill in your basic information. Please Print.

Name: Mr. Ms.
Telephone: FAX:
Company Name:  
E-mail: Please Print Clearly so that we may contact you by email

Step 2: Fill in the order form, select your preferred shipping method and fill in the amount.

Product Name/Description




PowerVCR (Real-time Video Recording Software) US$129.90    
PowerDVD (DVD Playback/Navigation Software) US$49.50    
MediaShow (Multimedia Presentation Tool) US$59.90    
CDWizard (All-in-One Software Player) US$44.90    
VCD PowerPlayer (VCD Software Player) US$25.00    
VideoLive Mail (Video Mail Software) US$39.90    
LinkTEL (Video Conferencing Software) US$39.90    
Shipping Cost and Delivery Method (Please check one, and add the shipping cost to the total amount.)

  US$7.00/package for shipment to North America

  US$8.00/package for shipment to Europe and S. America

  US$4.00/package for shipment to Asia Pacific and Africa

  By E-mail (please fill in the E-mail address. No shipping cost required)

  By ftp download (please fill in the E-mail address. No shipping cost required)


Total Amount


Step 3: Fill in your credit card information.

Credit Card Type VISA MASTER JCB
Credit Card Number:
Good THRU:

(Must be the same as Credit Card)

Date of Order (yy/mm/dd)


Authorization Number: (Do not fill in)

The cardholder agrees, when the card is used, cardholder will pay the balance to the credit card issuing bank.

Step 4: Fax this form to CyberLink. Order Hot Line: +886-2-8667-1385 (FAX) US$1=NT$34

15F, 100, Min Chiuan Rd., Hsin Tien City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan. TEL: +886-2-8667-1298. Email: